Why Words Matter

You know those pretty graphics with inspirational quotes that float around on social media? 

I love those almost as much as I love anything coconut flavored.


I’m one of those people that finds a deep connection to words. It’s why I pay more attention to the lyrics of a song than the melody. And probably why I read at least one book a week. 

If you follow me on social media (links below so we can connect), you know that earlier in March I shared these words that my friend Rachel wrote to me after she helped with the editing of my “about me” page:

“Take what feels supportive and leave the rest.”

Being a business owner means sometimes being overwhelmed with information overload. It makes sense…there’s a lot of pressure to do more, be more successful, make more money. To do any and all of those things, you have to attain new skills and there’s always someone out there with the information you think you need to succeed. 

But where are YOU in all that information diving? 

Somewhere along my journey as an entrepreneur, I stopped being the subject matter expert of my own business and started to believe that others knew my business and goals better than I did. I forgot that every piece of advice, tip and trick wasn’t necessarily going to work for me.

Most importantly, I forgot I’m in the driver's seat of my business.  

That’s why Rachel’s words meant so much to me. It was a gentle reminder to empower myself to take what felt supportive and leave the rest.  

The next time you read some advice (including from me!), I hope you’ll remember this. 


Happiness and Pineapples,



This Year: Same Me, New Direction